Driving Claim
The Claim:
When road crews are instructed to drive company vehicle.
Claim 130-mile basic day per Violation of PLB 5912 award #128.
Required Documentation:
Time slip with FRA tie up showing rubber miles that include what mileposts you drove from and to.
BU from tour of duty.
Claiming a 130 Mile basic day penalty for being instructed by (Manager/Dispatcher) _________ to operate a company vehicle, (description of vehicle-tag number) __________ from _______ to ________. I was called for the (train symbol) _____ @ ____ hrs. Transport/drive time began at _____ and ended at _____.
Per PLB 5912, Award #128, only yardmen are permitted to operate company vehicles in the performance of their duties. I was not working in the capacity of a yardman but as a ___________(through freight conductor, FIT, student), therefore I am claiming one basic day for performing work outside the scope of the Road Schedule of Agreements.